Justus Thomas, MD is proud to be heavily involved in providing eye care to those who do not have access and/or cannot afford care, bit locally and internationally. Dr. Thomas serves on the boards of both Houston Eye Foundation and Benevolent Missions International.

Houston Eye Associates Foundation is committed to preserving and restoring sight with comprehensive eye surgeries, vision-saving medications and ancillary services for individuals in financial hardship; and supporting education and research initiatives for the benefit of the community.
Physicians from Houston Eye Associates and local/private ophthalmology practices, along with other partnering medical professionals, donate their office time and surgical skills while Houston Eye Associates Foundation pays for hospital and surgical facilities fees, vision-saving medications, medically necessary lenses, eye glasses, cornea tissue, laboratory services, prosthetics and any other ancillary service necessary to preserve or restore the vision of an uninsured adult or child.

Benevolent Missions International (BMI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing needed ophthalmic care to the underserved in many areas around the world.
More than 100 missions trips have been made to Africa, Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Fiji. BMI provides healthcare education and medical/surgical clinics by:
- Recruiting volunteer healthcare professionals and lay personnel
- Providing cost free healthcare services
- Furnishing essential equipment and supplies
- Educating local healthcare workers to medically care for their people
- Equipping mission sites with educational materials for on-going training
The goal of BMI is to ultimately develop each site into a self-sufficient mission, with well-equipped healthcare facilities staffed and operated by local medical personnel and volunteers. This takes time, manpower, dedication, and funding.