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Houston Eye Associates - Kingwood
22659 Highway 59 North, Suite 100
Kingwood, TX 77339

Houston Eye Associates - Houston
2855 Gramercy St
Houston, TX 77025

Dr. Justus Thomas updates about coronavirus and the eyes

JustusVision with Houston Eye Associates, Kingwood is open and here for you. You can also schedule a TeleHealth virtual visit online or call (281) 858-EYES.

So we all know that it’s very important not to touch our nose and our mouth to avoid contracting the virus in case we have a particle on our hands, but it’s also important not to touch our eyes.

Studies show that the virus can be contained in conjunctiva secretions particularly if a person has developed conjunctivitis and even though it’s very unlikely that in the normal tear film, even in an infected person with a coronavirus, that you have particles in your eyes. It’s better safe than sorry and so that good habit of keeping your hands away from your face; it’s very important.

Also, social distancing is important to avoid contracting the virus through particles that might be aerosolized and enter your eye through the conjunctiva so that a six-foot safety distance between yourself and another person is also important.

And finally, for all you contact lens wearers, get those contact lenses out! We know that the contact lens can harbor the virus, it can stick to the contact lenses for quite a long time, and also if you wear contact lenses, you’re more likely to touch your eyes multiple times during the day so we want to avoid wearing contact lenses. The virus can also stick to the case, it can live in the solution and so it’s better just to avoid the risk of wearing contact lenses.

Glasses, on the other hand, offer a nice safety barrier between your eyes and any potentially aerosol eyes particles that can enter the eye so wear those glasses, put the contact lenses on the shelf, practice good social distancing, don’t touch your eyes, and just be safe. For those of you that do have questions about these issues or might have any eye urgencies or emergencies, we are open daily here at Houston Eye Associates, Kingwood and you can reach us through our landline telephone number at (281)-858-EYES or online.

Now for those of you who may not be comfortable leaving your home during this time, we have implemented TeleHealth, and that’s where we can actually do an eye exam through your cell phone. We can walk you through downloading the app, we can even check your vision on your cell phone, and you can talk to Dr. Justus Thomas face-to-face on your cell phone while he is looking at your eye.

So that’s an option, it’s called TeleHealth, and if you call us at (281)858-EYES or access us through the website, we can set you up for a TeleHealth appointment or for a traditional in-person appointment. We want you to know that we’re practicing all CDC guidelines, we’ve got a very clean sterile environment, there’s no waiting in the waiting room, we’re practicing good social distancing so if you do have an eye urgency that needs our attention, we’re here to help you with that and until next time, stay safe, call us if we can be of any assistance and we look forward to seeing you soon.